Frequently asked questions

  • What does this type of bet mean?

    We have to shorten the names of bets to keep information readable. All definition are collected in the section. Please read the information and notify us if something is unclear or missing.

  • Do you have reviews?

    Yes. They are collected in the section. Anyone can add her/his comment or feedback.

  • How are tips created?

    We design algorithms for betting software that enable us to determine unnatural odds movement and bookmaker mistakes. It doesn’t work for each specific bet, but ensuring more than half correct is enough to have an advantage in the long distance. Also, we provided more detailed explanation in the section.

  • What are the statistics?

    The actual profitability for the last 10,000 bets is about 3% per 100 bets by using 1% pot per bet with maximum drawdown rate at 27%. It can’t guarantee the future earnings. Any particular situation such as a long losing streak is not excluded. We do however, collect and analyse all new data and keep you up to date on any developments. Also, you can collect your own statistics using special functionality and the section.

  • How to place bets correctly?

    We wrote a guide in the bottom of the section. Please check it out.

  • How do we get in touch?

    Please visit the section. You find all information there, including the address and contacts.



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